Thank you to the Book Haven

A big Thank you to the Book Haven for donating books to our fledgling library.  Here at Le Cheile Secondary School we are very conscious of developing a love for reading among our students.  We have been busy begging friends and family for donations to our library and were absolutely delighted to get this wonderful donation.  THANK YOU! image2image1

September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Part of the Le Chéile Family

One of the most supportive things about opening a new school under the patronage of the Le Chéile Trust is that we become part of a family of long established and excellent schools.  Recently our principal and two students went to visit Holy Child, Killiney and when our students went to a debating competition they were delighted to bump into some of their Le Chéile “cousins”.  We were also reminded of our belonging to something bigger at our official opening when we were joined by students from other Le Chéile schools.Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-82 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-44

Le Cheile Secondary School students with students from Holy Child Killiney at the debating competition at UCDLe_Cheile_Opening_Web-23Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-74

Debating Team at UCD

Congratulations to our debating team who competed at University College Dublin last Thursday evening 2nd October.  The students did extremely well in the competition under the excellent tuition of Ms. Lattin.IMG_0215 Debating Team at UCD

Girl's Debating Team at UCD

Girl’s Debating Team at UCD

Destiny arguing her point at UCD

Destiny arguing her point at UCD

Official Opening of School

We had a wonderful day of celebration in the school on Friday 3rd of October when students,  staff, parents and friends of Le Cheile Secondary School marked the beginning of this new school.  Students and teachers from other Le Cheile schools visited on the day and helped our choir in the singing of the Le Cheile song.  We were joined in the morning by An Tanaiste, Joan Burton, T.D.  The celebrations continued with an inter-faith prayer service and concluded with refreshments.  Our wonderfully talented students led the prayer service with reflections, music and prayers.  The students art work was also very much in evidence as well as that of our talented teachers – particularly that of Ms. O’Brien and Mr. Gainley.Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-3 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-2 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-6 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-8 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-14 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-24 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-26 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-34 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-35 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-38 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-39 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-40 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-41 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-43 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-45 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-46 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-49 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-53 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-54 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-55 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-56 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-57 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-58 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-60 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-61 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-63 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-64 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-62 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-72 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-73 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-74 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-77 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-81 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-84 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-85 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-86 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-89 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-90 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-91 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-93 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-96 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-97 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-98 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-99 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-100 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-101 Le_Cheile_Opening_Web-102 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-105 Le_Cheile_Opening_Print-111